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Generations Unleashed offers various programs to support adult survivors of sexual abuse. From 1-on-1 support with a coach or mentor, or partial sponsorship for professional counselling, to conferences and seminars, our goal is to create awareness and assist victims with a holistic approach to healing.


Give Back Their Voice


Most of us would like to believe that abuse is far removed from us--a distant monster that destroys the lives of strangers. Unfortunately, statistics indicate that it touches lives close to us much too frequently.  Statistics indicate that at least one in every 4 girls, and 1 in 6 boys, are sexually abused by age 18. It is believed that less than 50% of abuse cases are reported.

For those who do come forward, little can be done from a legal perspective, unless there is hard evidence. To add to the stress, the cost of counselling is prohibitive, leaving many victims to struggle alone through the psychological aftermath.

Give Back Their Voice offers financial assistance (partial sponsorship) of counselling or one-on-one sessions to individuals qualifying for assistance, with a counsellor or professional approved by Generations Unleashed.  (Currently this assistance is available in South-Western Ontario only.) To be placed on a waiting list for the program, please send an email with the subject "Request for Sponsorship". We will follow up on requests in order and let you know when a spot becomes available.

This program also offers one-on-one  mentorship 
to victims of abuse. Volunteers  meeting with victims are accepted only following a rigid interview process, and with a clean police check. Because of the sensitive nature of our work, we do not offer this aspect of the program for minors under 16, and only offer  it under 18 with parental consent. To be placed on our waiting list for a mentor, please send an email with the subject line "Request a Mentor" or "Request a Support Group". When a mentor or support group becomes available in your area, we will contact you.


​To become a sponsor, for our Give Back Their Voice program, visit our 'Contact Us' page and request more information.

To donate to Generations Unleashed, select our 'Donate' Button.


Break the Silence, Free A Heart


One of the greatest tragedies, of abuse, is the cycle of victimization that continues from generation to generation. The shame surrounding abuse causes victims to be silent, and silence escalates the epidemic.


'Break the Silence, Free a Heart' covers costs associated with offering teaching, training and awareness seminars in a variety of venues to break the silence surrounding abuse, as well as costs for  offering conferences, seminars and speaking engagements for victims focused on overcoming abuse and violence. Venues range from high schools and post secondary educational facilities, to churches, union meetings, and other businesses and organizations.


We believe that the epidemic of abuse and violence is universal, crossing all cultural, religious and socioeconomic boundaries. We also believe that universal partnership will make the most dynamic positive  impact .Using personal stories of survival and overcoming abuse and violence, as well as scientific data and research, we offer victims resources, give voice to those who have no voice, and hope to victims still caught in abusive situations.


To book a speaker for your venue, or to request more information, please visit our Contact Us page. 


To become  sponsor, for our Break the Silence, Free a Heart program, visit our 'Contact Us' page, and  request more information.


To donate to Generations Unleashed, please select our 'Donate' Button.


Remember the Forgotten


Children in 'closed cultures', and individuals in vulnerable people groups are more likely to be sexually victimized, and less likely to have resources or counselling to help work through the aftermath and trauma.

Generations Unleashed reaches out to adult victims of childhood abuse, in these cultures, by acknowledging the emotional suffering they experience. We also offer resources and support in practical ways, including financial assistance for counselling, and literature addressing the topic of abuse.

We actively reach out to various Mennonite groups, including Low German speaking Old Colony, Russian Mennonite groups. Trudy Metzger, Executive Director of Generations Unleashed, was born into the Low German Mennonite culture and speaks Low  German fluently. She later experienced several other Mennonite cultures, has a love for her people, and is passionate about breaking the cycle of abuse  and domestic violence among "her people", where she maintains many deep friendships. 

To become an advertising sponsor, for our Remember The Forgotten program, visit our 'Contact Us' page and request more information.

To donate to Generations Unleashed, select the 'Donate' Button. 

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